Thursday, 30 January 2014

Focus on eyes

I've been trying to get better focus on eyes in the birds that I do get close enough to.  Two challenges I find here.  First is actually setting the focus on the bird when it is moving about.  Trying to remember to set the auto tracking.  Secondly the usual one of holding the camera still enough.  I have now bought a tripod, which I can set up ok, but don't plan on taking that along on every jaunt combining a walk with bird photography.  I want to plan a day out with the tripod, so I can start to feel comfortable using it.  Maybe I should start by setting it up indoors by the window and wait for the lorikeets to descend on the nectarine tree.  I keep going outside my comfort zone with this new camera so here is the next - using a tripod.

This photo was unfortunately not shot using a tripod, but the eye focus wasn't too bad.  At least I am managing to hold the focus on the eye for longer before I get the shakes.
Ibis - trying for eye focus©Christine Linton

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